Cronus BJJ - Traditional Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
We are 1 of 4 UK-based Pedro Sauer BJJ Affiliates. We are running BJJ fundamentals a great structured learning environment in relation to the PSBJJ Syllabus. Established on the 01/11/2017.

Great News November 2021
Congratulations to Adam Bloomfield in achieving his Gracie Jiu Jitsu Blue belt. The test went on for approximately 3 hours and to top it off a good 30 minutes of sparring at the end. Halldor Sveinsson a Blackbelt under a Pedro Sauer took the grading. Thanks for all your support. Not forgetting Team Pedro Sauer UK. Oss.

Great News! Vas Achieved his Blue Belt, he went through a 3 1/2 hour test based on Rickson Gracie format. It was tough and had to demonstrate Self Defense aspects and other fundamentals. He was tested by Allan Manganello a Pedro Sauer and Rickson Gracie BlackBelt.
